Years ago when my children were quarreling (gasp!) one of my little ones came to me and said "Those kids are hurting Heavenly Father's feelings!" This (not very good) photo is of a (probably not the greatest) painting that I just bought myself for my birthday. It's a rip-off of the well known Simon Dewey portrait that some Armenian artist probably saw on a discarded pamphlet. But I love the expression on the Lord's face. I think it captures the disappointment that He must feel when we hurt His Father's feelings.
It might even represent what we will see when we stand before Him with our lame excuses for not ever getting it right when all He asked us to do was to love Them with all our hearts and to love others with the same love.
My favorite part of being a missionary is the time I get to spend studying the scriptures and the writings of the prophets. I could write a book of all of the great messages that are sinking deep into my heart, but it's already all in the books. It's all there waiting for us to invite the Spirit to manifest the truth of it unto us.
One of my favorites (Pres. Eyring) is in the sidebar to the right------------------------------------->
Although I find myself falling short regularly, past and present, and undoubtedly future, when I pay attention I realize that it's all between me and the One who atoned for me and who is disappointed when I don't measure up, but who still reaches out and lets me feel of His indescribable love.